From self-reliance, pressure and that nagging feeling you are doing it wrong to an abiding sense of connection, worthiness and delight
Life is weird. It is messy and sure can be uncomfortable. With all of the distractions and responsibilities, it can be easy to avoid the challenges, weirdness, and uncertainty. And while this may minimize the suffering for awhile, in the long run it leaves us feeling isolated, disconnected from our selves, and overwhelmed.
When we embrace the mess and discomfort of it all - that we find our power, our ease and our joy.
Facing ourselves can be terrifying.
But what if you didn't have to do it alone?
When we work together, it is space for you to slow down and feel supported in getting curious about what you truly want.
And curiosity transforms everything. Where you once felt unmanageability, overwhelm and discomfort you will find meaning, safety, connection and delight.
Philosophy & Approach
Transformational Sobriety: I work with clients looking to move away from the blame and pressure of the "disease" model of addiction and recovery towards a model that embraces beauty, self acceptance, curiosity and delight. These clients generally have worked with a therapist, done the 12 steps and have some continuous sobriety.
Emerging Aliveness: Whether you are burned out and bored or sensing something really exciting just over the horizon, I facilitate engaged transformation towards a life where you feel steady and excited while held in your own self-love. I bring a safe container, unconditional love and dynamic curiosity that allows you to hear your own wisdom.

My Story
My name is Katherine Moore. I have spent my adult life connecting with other humans in their pain, in their triumphs, in their periods of change and emergence. Whether they were a patient facing a terminal diagnosis, girls negotiating middle school, artists growing their businesses, women navigating early sobriety. I have walked with people through the changes they asked for and those that felt wildly out of their control. I walk with them in my aliveness so that they can walk in theirs.
It is through my own experiences with grief, sobriety and motherhood that has brought me to this work focused on supporting women and queer folx who are taking the steps into their wholeness and grappling with all that arises in the process.
Coaching Forms
You need a trauma informed coach. It's the 21st century and we all are carrying a load beyond our capacity. So all of my work - every step of the journey of you stepping into your full aliveness - is trauma informed. ​Below are some topics and approaches we can take to connect with your aliveness and purpose.
Curiosity - Gentleness - Support
That is how we will co-create a safe container for you to imagine a new future, uncover and dismantle old beliefs and patterns, and take gentle actions to implement powerful changes that will transform how you spend your life.