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Transformational Sobriety Coaching:

Accompanying sober women on their spiritual quest.

Katherine Moore, coach
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Alcoholism isn't a series of human failings. It was your deepest wisdom keeping you alive.

Sound crazy?

Hear me out.
What if you feel into your timeless self? Can you recognize the sensitivity, wisdom and protection of those tender parts of you that reacted to and survived a world at odds with your authenticity and aliveness?

You have seen and experienced the darkest aspects of humanity and made it to the other side.

You can spend the rest of your life assuming you are defective and your reactions are wrong. (And feeling the shame, fatigue and anxiety that accompany that narrative.)

Or you can begin to see the truth of who you are - who you have always been.

That truth isn't found by abandoning who you are in pursuit of becoming  the opposite of your 'former self.' No, it is found by mining the emotions, experiences and environments you have spent so much time (justifiably) running from.

Sobriety is where you get to harness all the darkness - and wisdom - of your past into the life you were meant to live. Into the life the world needs you to live.
As humans we are spiritual beings here on this Earth to have an embodied experience of being alive.
We are all on spiritual quests, grappling with darkness and light, shadow and clarity, death and aliveness - navigating the paths we chose before we were born.

​As alcoholics, addiction is an integral leg of your soul's journey.

Each path has its own destination - yours is not the same as your neighbors. But they all have certain qualities in common.
Connection, belonging, purpose, growth, alchemizing experience into wisdom, giving back to the world.

Are you feeling it?

Alcoholism and Addiction Are Not Failures—And Neither Are You


What would it feel like if you truly, deeply, fully believed that?


Too often, the messages of AA go something like this:

  • "If you aren't happy, joyous, and free, you are doing it wrong."

  • "If you feel anger, need space, or don't like something, you aren't living in your higher self."

  • "If you want to go against the 'rules,' you are being willful."

  • "Your best thinking got you here—you can't trust your own thinking.​


Sound familiar?


I know so many women in long-term recovery who have done the steps, had therapy, and are still struggling with the residual effects of pressure, harshness, and feelings of not being good enough.


You too?


You've done everything you were told and yet still feel stuck or bored. You've divorced yourself from the oppressive relationship with booze only to find that the oppressive voices and beliefs are alive and well inside your head.


Those messages from AA land because, well, they have someplace to land. We were programmed long ago to believe that nothing we do is ever good enough, we have to submit to someone or something else to get what we need, and if it doesn’t hurt, we’re not doing it right.




Yeah. We live in a toxic culture of rigidity, domination, and harshness.


That culture wants you to feel not good enough, like it's all your fault, like you'll be punished if you make a mistake, like following your own heart will hurt those you love and threaten your belonging.


As amazing as AA is, the messages are filtered through humans raised in this toxic culture.


If you have been looking towards AA to provide you with the container for deep transformation and it just hasn't materialized, if you are feeling limited by AA and 12-step recovery and believe there could actually be an easier, softer way, you are not alone.


The Possibility of Transformation


Wanna know the best part? When we step away from the harshness and rigid dogma of AA, we open ourselves to the possibility of a truly transformative experience far beyond what traditional 12-step recovery can offer.


Do you want to feel:


→ Comfortable in your own skin, → Connected to a higher power that is authentically yours, → Safe in the world on a cellular level, → Wonder and delight simply at being alive, → Like every part of you is seen, supported, honored, and valued, → Like who you are truly matters, → Like your gifts are needed in this world, → The freedom to follow your heart, → Clarity around what actions to take and what direction to go in, → The spaciousness to move through the world, impervious to the dysfunction and projections of others, → Held on your path whether you are feeling good or lost, clear or uncertain, at ease or anxious, financially stressed or showered in abundance—no matter what?

Then you've come to the right place.


Debunking the Myth of Failure


What could be possible for you if you debunked—once and for all—the myth that you were a failure for picking up a drink long ago and a failure for feeling restless or discontent in your recovery today?


How would a life of unapologetic, authentic aliveness feel to you?


I have something I want you to know.


That feeling of dissatisfaction, restlessness, and frustration—it isn't a bad sign. In fact, it's the sign you've been waiting for. It is your life calling you. The adventure awaits. And you are right on time.


Sound scary? Exciting? That's the feeling of the unknown.


Fellows in AA may call you selfish. You may be called entitled. Willful. Self-centered. Off-the-beam. People may mutter you're being weird or veering from the pack.


Walking the Path of Your Soul's Purpose


But here's my promise to you:

When you start walking the path of your soul's purpose—the life you were meant to live—you will not give a f*ck.


Unlike your childhood, when your safety and belonging were contingent upon the approval of "people in power," this journey is part of the cosmic web of belonging—to self, to God, to the world.


Unlike your childhood, when you were expected to meet challenges with self-reliance, perfectionism, and isolation, this journey is rich in supplies, support, and connection.


Unlike your childhood, when so many of the challenges laid upon you were the baggage of your caregivers, the traumas of generations past, and the dysfunctions of a society founded on scarcity, this journey was tailor-made for you.


A Soulful, Non-Judgmental Approach


I have mastered a soulful, non-judgmental approach to sobriety coaching for women in long-term recovery.


Your alcoholism is a sign of deep humanity and spiritual wisdom—two things both you and the Earth need right now.


You can be free. And you can be free without isolation, threatening your physical sobriety, leaving 12-step recovery, or having to “figure it all out.”

I can show you how.


Are You Ready for More?


Your dissatisfaction is the doorway to a life of unapologetic, authentic aliveness. Are you ready to step through?

"We each have an appointment with ourselves, though most of us never show up for it." James Hollis.

Philosophy & Approach

I work with clients looking to move away from the blame and pressure of the "disease" model of addiction and recovery towards a model that embraces beauty, self acceptance, curiosity and delight. These clients generally have  worked with a therapist, done the 12 steps and have some continuous sobriety.


Whether you are burned out and bored or sensing something really exciting just over the horizon, I facilitate engaged transformation towards a life where you feel steady and excited while held in your own self-love and the love of a universal power.


I bring a safe container, unconditional love and dynamic curiosity that allows you to let go of the toxic and shaming aspects of recovery culture and our culture at large so you can hear your own wisdom.



My name is Katherine Moore. I have spent my adult life connecting with other humans in their pain, in their triumphs, in their periods of change and emergence.  Whether they were a patient facing a terminal diagnosis, girls negotiating middle school, artists growing their businesses, women navigating early sobriety. I have walked with people through the changes they asked for and those that felt wildly out of their control. I walk with them in my aliveness so that they can walk in theirs. 


It is through my own experiences with grief, sobriety and motherhood that has brought me to this work focused on supporting women and queer folx who are ready to engage with their lives in a more mystical, adventurous and meaningful way. I believe wholeheartedly that taking the steps into wholeness - and grappling with all that arises in the process - is not something any of us were meant to do alone.


Some time in early sobriety I found myself sensing a path as if seemingly unconnected events of my past were coordinated, connected through symbols and dreams. As I listened to the voice inside and looked back at my life - back through motherhood, sobriety, active addiction, abandonment after abandonment all the way back to the death of my mother when I was nine - It all began to make sense. The karmic and mystical experiences that felt like anomalies in an otherwise unpleasant existence were actually the landmarks, the beats of the story, the glue that held the whole thing together.


Sobriety wasn't a punishment. It wasn't a sign of my defectiveness or a predictor of a tedious and lackluster future unfurling painfully in front of me.  Sobriety was an initiation. I had been asleep. It was time to wake up. 


You are standing at the threshold,. Aren't you dying to see what's on the other side of this  portal?



Working with Katherine has been a transformative and enlightening journey. Her sessions have provided me with invaluable clarity, coaching me through challenges with wisdom and insight. With her compassionate approach and empowering techniques, I've gained newfound clarity and direction, supporting me on a path towards personal growth and fulfillment. I highly recommend Katherine to anyone seeking clarity, purpose, and positive transformation in their lives.

Victoria C.

Let's connect!

Katherine Moore, Coach

Hudson, NY


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